Washington DC

name = travis gilmour
location = washington D.C. (military)
email = steve.gilmour@andrews.af.mil
age = 21
really hope to see her again. WONDERFUL actress


name = gina
location = washington dc
email = ageminio@yahoo.ca
age = 23
Zooey has amazing voice! She melted me with the song "Baby it's cold outside". Bravo!!


name = spencer bates
location = washington dc
email = batesmuzik@aol.com
website = www.spencerbates.com
age = 22
i actually went out to celebrate my 18th birthday with zooey and her friend (who had the same birthday) back when we were both at northwestern university. she was very nice, but i'm afraid i may have offended her a couple months later at a theater fundraising party... i think i asked her if she could help me with getting some connections in LA or something... i felt pretty bad about it at the time and never saw her again... that is, until she became a star and i saw her up on the screen. i think it's a cool story, even though she probably won't remember me. i do still feel pretty dumb that her last impression of me must have been a not-so-good one. wish i could fix that. oh well. anyway, that's my zooey "experience".