The Nature of Zooey Deschanel - Transcripts

E! Sizzlin 16 TV Special - 02.04.01

Wanda (E! Online Editor): Kate Hudson actually went to high school with one of our current sizzlers, Zooey Deschanel. They shared a math class back in high school.

Zooey: I did my first movie my senior year of high school, so, um, then I went to college, and then I got Almost Famous when I was 19 and so I quit school after only 7 months.

Wanda: Almost Famous proved to be an amazing movie for both Kate Hudson and Zooey Deschanel because it offered them both breakout roles.

E! Narrator: It was Zooey's portrayal of Patrick Fugit's rebellious older sister in Almost Famous that won her a spot on our list.

Zooey: I always choose roles that are, you know, hopefully different from the last role. I don't wanna do the same thing over and over again because that's, well, first of all that no fun.

E! Narrator: Zooey will be seen on the big screen this spring in the teen comedy, The New Guy. But, for this avant-garde actress, the camera never stops rolling.

Zooey: This is a pin hole camera. Kind of ironic that the one day I get to be on television, outside, it rains. So I'm gonna take a picture through my window sheild. (Holds the camera up on the dashboard) One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand. (Looks at the photo) Oh, that's kind of cool, actually. See, see, look what the rain brought us. (Holds up the photo) And uh, that's it! So that's the pin hole camera. (Smiles and waves) Bye.

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