Released: March 29, 2002

"No Such Thing" tells the story of a young journalist (Sarah Polley) who journeys to Iceland to find her missing fiance only to encounter a mythical creature (Robert John Burke). She eventually forges a relationship with the being and brings him with her back to New York City. This is from director Hal Hartley who also created two of my favorite films from the early 90s - "The Unbelievable Truth" and "Trust" - both starring the very under appreciated Adrienne Shelly. He's directed a few other gems since then like "Amatuer" and "Simple Men" but this latest offering has gotta be the most unusual film to get greenlit by a major studio in years. While not everyone's cup of tea, a Hal Hartley film is worth seeing because it is so singularly unique and devoid of Hollywood formula. Polley is good as the seemingly unfazed big city journalist and Helen Mirren stars as well. There's beautiful Icelandic scenery and the pace is as leisurely as the film is like nothing you've ever seen before. Hal Hartley is a true cinematic artist.

102 Minutes
American Zoetrope/United Artists/MGM

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