Released: July 25, 2003

From Laura Hillenbrand's book of the same name comes "Seabiscuit", the story of a half-blind ex-prizefighter (Tobey Maguire) and mustang breaker (Chris Cooper) team up with a millionaire (Jeff Bridges) and his rough-hewn, undersized horse, Seabiscuit. The men bring Seabiscuit incredible heights, helping him earn Horse of the Year honors in 1938. Based on a true story, this is a feel good movie that comes at a good time among our sequel filled release roster and current American political climate. I haven't read the book but it's easy to see how even at 140 minutes how much was cut and/or edited down. It's still very emotionally charged and worth a shot if you're looking for something other than a sequel. Also, it's nice to find a movie that relies on story and characters rather than effects or hype. If "The Matrix Reloaded" were as good as its hype, it would have been as good as "Seabiscuit"...

140 Minutes

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