Released: September 5, 2000

Molly Parker is one of Canada's more visible actresses but she has a tough job finding good roles and "Suspicious River" is clearly not one of the good ones. A young married woman (Parker) sells her body, not just for money, to guests at the motel where she works as a receptionist. Sounds great, huh? Well, we find Parker has re-teamed with her "Kissed" (1996) director Lynne Stopkewich. Unlike "Kissed", in which Parker plays a girl obsessed with necrophilia, there's not really ANYTHING of interest here in "Suspicious River" where Parker plays an older girl obsessed with being a cheap whore. Message to Molly Parker - fire your agent and never work with Lynne Stopkewich again. You showed promise in "Men With Brooms" but I know there's a better movie in you somewhere...

92 Minutes
Beyond Films/Motion International

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