Released: November 22, 2000

Director M. Night Shyamalan, who gave us "The Sixth Sense" in 1999, tries to wow us again in 2000. Nicely structured erie drama doesn't stumble until the rather jilting conclusion. This ain't no twist like we saw in "Sixth". In fact, this ending practically negates all the goodness found leading up to it. While Shyamalan's first movie was fascinating in its ability to genuinely catch people off guard, "Unbreakable" manages only to half-assed copy the originality of the 1999 blockbuster. In ten years time people will still remember "The Sixth Sense" but I doubt any will recall this one. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson turn in yet another fine joint performance together, after starring in both "Pulp Fiction" and "Die Hard With A Vengeance" before it.

107 Minutes
Touchstone/Buena Vista

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